dont be smole, GET $SWOLE

The memecoin emphasizing on meta adaptability, storytelling and SWOLE BAGS

CA: sio28ienC3iABUKJFzkikHknbR3xyhjzhJE34tipyDP

Core Lore of $SWOLE

$SWOLE uniquely transforms using serums to become any animal, character, or artistic style.

Adaptable to any meta.

Two recent examples of meta changes, cat meta and 4/20 snoop

Other examples:

  • Dogs/Other Animals
  • w/ Beanies/Hats
  • Trump/Biden - Election based
  • Dates, 4/20, May 4th
  • or ANYTHING that is meta

Why does it matter?

Cat meta, boom pussy syringe. Doggie meta, bam Meek mill & Diddy syringe. Derp meta, extract retardio’s special sauce. Mommy meta, steals milk from ur local granny to inject ..smack and suck her milkers.

SWOLE’s meta possibilities are endless..

Which meta will the next shift be?